
ITC Chief Calls For Interim Legislation

ITC Chief Calls For Interim Legislation

The ITC’s chairman, Sir Robin Biggam, has called on the Government to introduce interim legislation which would allow the creation of a single ITV, warning that the planned OFCOM legislation in 2003 would come too late to counteract the current economic difficulties faced by the commercial TV sector.

“We are going through tough times and Government needs to act quickly and use interim legislation, as necessary, to deal with the issues that need to be addressed now if we are to have a dynamic and prosperous communications sector in the UK.” said Biggam, speaking at an ITC dinner in Edinburgh. He continued: “The whole ecology of public service broadcasting has been based on the ability to keep the BBC on its toes with programmes of originality and quality. This balance would be seriously damaged without immediate action.”

Biggam went on to say that as a regulator the ITC’s hands were tied by “hopelessly outdated” legislation in key areas including media ownership. He was also keen to quash fears that a Granada/Carlton merger would mean neglect for the regions, in particular Scotland: “The key components of a new settlement with ITV will be their continuing investment in the delivery of services in the Nations and Regions, backed up by local governance and accountability and the support for a vibrant production sector out of London in which ITV plays a key, but not exclusive, part.”

ITC: 020 7306 7743 www.itc.org.uk

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