
The future is all around us: mobile inspiration 2012

The future is all around us: mobile inspiration 2012

Tracey Follows

VCCP’s head of planning Tracey Follows says the future isn’t mobile, mobile is happening now and is already all around us. The future of mobile in the hands of those that adopt, learn and truly use it to its fullest potential…

It’s nigh on impossible to stay abreast of everything that’s happening in today’s world. Moore’s law feels like a thing of the past when we look at the rate of current technological advancement, especially in mobile.

One can easily lose track of what iPhone or app is next or whether the “Ice Cream Sandwich” is the best operating system for the way you tend to communicate. Blink and suddenly Blippar, Aurasma and Zeebox are here. Augmented what? Clouds? Virtuality? A whole new language to learn. Again.

But all is not lost, observing what people like to do, understanding their human needs and being curious about how to fulfil them will mean no-one gets left behind. And at the IPA’s Mobile Inspiration Day (Wednesday 28th March) we’ve gathered together people who do exactly that, giving us all a chance to learn from the experts; and master the art of mobile for the day-to-day.

We know that the growth of smart phone penetration and diversification of mobile services has spawned a complex new marketing and communications channel. Whatever you want, there’s an ‘app for that’ but it seems that consumers, empowered with a host of technological tools are leading the innovation possibilities. And brands are falling further behind.

The idea of mobile is alluring, but the how and why to use it strategically is less clear to most in marketing. Surely as brand guardians and marketers we’re missing out; missing out on getting involved and immersed in the longer term engagement pieces, the truly useful data sets we can glean from something that spends at least eight hours a day in our pockets and for some is even on their pillow when they wake! Thinking of the Silicon Valley “So-Lo-Mo” revolution, we’ve become the masters of social and local marketing but are yet to really make the most of mobile.

The opportunities are infinite. They are as complex as the technology allows yet, in reality, as simple as human needs dictate. But there are a few key points that need to be covered off before diving into the deep end:

1. Measurement & Analytics
2. Advertising platforms within mobile
3. Creativity and immersive opportunities

The first is often overlooked in favour of the third, and the second is often the ‘safe bet’, we all invest £10K in to ‘see what value it adds’. You know, the line at the bottom of the media plan which you’re happy to take a chance on as you’ve got enough ratings against the TV ad to hit your targets.

The first one cannot do without. The second and third though are very fertile and exciting areas in which consumers are already participating in but marketeers don’t spend much time talking about. Why? When people are exchanging personal data for location based deals, using augmented reality to put up their bookshelves because who now needs a printed instruction manual, or are connecting and hiring their neighbour’s car that is lying idle that day whilst transferring some money for it straight into their neighbours bank account, why aren’t we talking about and sharing our mobile ideas and experiments more?

In conclusion, the future isn’t mobile, mobile is happening now and is already all around us. The future of mobile in the hands of those that adopt, learn and truly use it to its fullest potential. Strategically not just tactically. So what are you waiting for? Get to know that familiar friend you spend everyday with, that remote control for your day-to-day life – and reap the benefits as a result.

Tracey Follows will be speaking at the IPA’s Mobile Inspiration Day on 28 March – an inspirational morning event on how to use mobile and the exciting opportunities this medium can offer brands and businesses. For more info click here.

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