
Guardian to launch new platform in celebration of huge digital growth

Guardian to launch new platform in celebration of huge digital growth


The Guardian has announced that it will be launching a new platform to streamline access to web content, combining all of its digital platforms into one core web destination.

Theguardian.com will combine the Guardian.co.uk, the Guardian mobile site, US homepage guardiannews.com and the soon-to-launch Australian digital edition.

The platform is being launched as a result of the newsbrand’s growing digital appeal, with the number of monthly Guardian digital browsers increasing from 20 million to 80 million in the last five years, with the majority coming from international markets, according to the Guardian.

In April alone, the Guardian‘s online platform secured almost five million average unique browsers per day, as reported in the latest ABC results.

“Every month, our online content is accessed from almost every country around the world,” said Tanya Cordrey, chief digital officer at Guardian News & Media, in a blog post called Going global on our digital journey – adding that UK users represent just one third of the Guardian’s online platform.

“Investing in digital is crucial to the future of journalism and publishing, and moving to www.theguardian.com will simplify the user experience for our readers,” Cordrey continued.

“In turn, this will open up more worldwide commercial possibilities for us in markets across the globe, enabling us to offer our partners and advertisers increased access to our growing global audience.”

The move will take place later this year, involving the transition of millions of URLs attached to the Guardian’s websites and approximately 15 years of archived content.

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