
DC Thomson’s The Dandy faces closure

DC Thomson’s The Dandy faces closure

The UK’s oldest comic is facing closure after 75 years. The Dandy, priced at £1.99, saw its circulation drop below 7,500 in the second half of 2011.

In its heyday – between 1950 and 1980 – the comic, home to Desperate Dan, sold two million copies a week. However, its circulation has been declining since then as children spend more time watching TV and going online.

Despite a series of relaunches over the past five years and the introduction of celebrity-themed comic strips, the title has failed to increase its audience.

DC Thomson confirmed that closing the comic was being considered as part of a review of the company’s magazine business. Characters such as Desperate Dan are expected to continue to exist online – and may switch to its sister title the Beano. The Beano had a circulation of 38,000 in six months to the end of December.

ABC Consumer Magazine figures for January to June 2012 are due to be released this Thursday – 16 August. Data and analysis will be available on Newsline and MediaTel.co.uk from midday.

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